Please note that these test systems/applications is not for sale. My employer owns the rights for the most of these programs, not all. I have developed all applications/hardware but they will decide if they are available to others.
The u-Drivers Aid
BETP Bag Fill station [ MK1 ]
BETP Bag Fill station [ MK2 ]
BETP Bag Fill station MK3 [ BETP.Net ]
BETP Bag Fill station Hardware
BETP Bag Analysis [ MK1 ]
DCP [ Dynamic Canister Purge ]
u-VETS [ With Integrated CO2 Injector ]
NMOG [ None Methane Organic Gases ]
u- OBS [ FE - Meter ]
CPC-100 Controller interface
Condensating Particle Counter
SPCS Interface with high resolution AO
Solid Particle Counting System
GDC-703 Control/Test interface
GDC-703 Linearize controller
GDC-703 CC Controller [ Converter Checker ]
Interface from GDC-03
AMLUK PreSampler Controller
CFO [ Propane injector ]
Calibration tool for CFO